Oscar was the quickest and the most clever guy out of all the fifth graders at middle school. Miss Colwell was afraid he wouldn’t be stimulated enough and soon lose all interest he had in every subject, so she decided to challenge him with an extra difficult question:

Miss C. -Oscar, I’m gonna challange you with an extra difficult question. There are 5 birds sitting on a branch, you scare one of them and it flies away, how many birds are left on the tree’s branch ??

Oscar – None

Miss C. -None? Can you explain to me how you’re thinking now ?? Miss C asked and paid extra attention to her pupil.

Oscar. – It’s easy, one of them gets scared because my dad takes his rifle out, shoots one of them and the other ones get scared too so they fly away.

Miss C. – Oh *laughs out loud* oh, silly… it’s an interesting answer, but the answer I was looking for was 4.. but I like your way of thinking !!

Oscar sits down at his desk and keeps working. After a couple of minutes he walks up to Miss C and goes:

Oscar. – Miss C !! Miss C !!

F. – Yes Oscar, what is it ??

O. – Miss C, can I ask you a question ??

F. – Most certainly my boy, ask ahead !!

O. – Three women went to buy some ice cream.  One of them sucks on it, the second one licks on it and the third one bites on it. Which one out of these women is married ??

Miss C gets instantly embarrassed by the question. She takes a moment to gather herself, and realizes she has to take her pupil serioulsy, so she answers:

Miss C. – Oh my, Oscar.. well, I don’t know… could it be the one that licks on it ??

Oscar. – No miss, it’s the one with a ring on her finger. But I like your way of thinking !!